Death Notices from The Canadian Free Methodist Herald Magazine
The Canadian Free Methodist Herald magazine:
A great resource for genealogy research...

The Canadian Free Methodist Herald was published monthly beginning in 1922, under the editorship of Rev. R.H. Hamilton. Most months' issues contained some birth, marriage and death notices regarding members of various congregations of the Free Methodist Church in Canada. Family members, or more often the pastors who conducted weddings or funerals generally submitted the corresponding details to the magazine. These are excellent resources for anyone researching their Free Methodist family history. Currently, the back issues of the magazines are being indexed to create an alphabetical annual index of each issue's birth, marriage and death notices. Indexes from November 1922-October 1940 (vols 1-18) have been indexed to date and are available for reference at the Robb Centre.
During his work for the centre, Rev. J.A. Robb transcribed many of these notices and organized his carefully typed pages into in binders, which are also available for reference at the Centre. The images included here are randomly selected examples. The name appearing at the bottom right of each notice indicates the pastor who submitted the notice.
During his work for the centre, Rev. J.A. Robb transcribed many of these notices and organized his carefully typed pages into in binders, which are also available for reference at the Centre. The images included here are randomly selected examples. The name appearing at the bottom right of each notice indicates the pastor who submitted the notice.